Winter Lab News


It’s been a chilly few weeks, but the LOVE is warm in the studio.  Thank you for continuing to venture out and for helping to maintain this beautiful sense of community.  

Big news – a few changes to pricing and membership offerings and an adjustment to how payments are collected.  

Yoga Lab is now offering the following memberships:
Monthly Unlimited – $130
10-class membership – $130
6-class membership – $87
1-class membership – $16 (formerly drop-ins)

*We continue to offer senior discounts, beginner discounts and teacher training discounts.  Please email me to take advantage of these options. 

When adding a membership to your account, either through the website or the zen planner app, payment will not be collected immediately; instead, a bill will be generated on your account.  This way, there is no delay in your ability to make reservations for a choosing a slower payment method below.

To pay your bill, Yoga Lab will accept the following forms of payment:
1. ACH (bank info for an echeck payment) through the zen planner app or website.  Many of you use this option already, so you will experience little change.
2. Check or cash at the studio – checks made out to Yoga Lab Vermont
3. Least Preferred: credit cards can be used through a Venmo account only: payment to @yogalabvermont 

You will notice that we are no longer accepting credit card payments through the web or zen planner app.  The short of it is payment processing fees and bank fees for online credit card payments.  I did not make this decision lightly and have been sitting with it for a while.  I thank you in advance for your understanding. The cost of this convenience is just too high for a small business like ours still operating at reduced capacity. 

On the one hand we have Yoga Lab: small, local business running at 40% or less due to covid, BIG on LOVE, but very close to the bone financially; on the other hand, we have the banks which have made record profits during covid and are siphoning off more than 5% of Yoga Lab’s gross revenue.  I would like to see that 5% go to our INCREDIBLE teachers and to keeping membership prices low.  Of course, there are fees for any payment-type and I am happy to incorporate that as a price of doing business. But 5%? It doesn’t feel like a reasonable price for this business, it feels unnecessary (and greedy) and I think we can put the money to better use. I hope you will join me with the more financially efficient payment options.  

If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  I am happy to elaborate (rant) on the above.

Back to other GOOD studio news:
For those of you have never had the chance to take class with Barb (you know, because she teaches sooo early in the morning!) – you can now catch her on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7PM for the Dharma Inspired Vinyasa class.  Barb’s love of yoga and generosity shines through in her playful manner and beautiful, ready smile.  This is an intermediate class.  Check it out – and let me know what you think!

The Handstand Workshop with Johannah was too much fun.  It will repeat at the end of the month on Friday, February 25 from 5:30PM-7:15PM. This is a reasonably paced workshop with foundational strength work and applicable, sensible instruction to help you make progress wherever you are in your handstand journey.  If anyone can get you upside down – it’s Johannah.

Much love,

