November: Holidays, Class Size, COVID…


Hello Yogis,

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who have come to the studio, bought a membership for future use, or made a donation to the studio. Hosting this space for our yoga practice is a deeply joyful venture for me.

So, first thing, and in the interest of keeping Yoga Lab operational in a time of rising COVID cases, we will be reducing class sizes to 5 students maximum, effective immediately – with the caveat that any class already booked with 6 students will run with 6. The ventilation in the studio is truly optimal with windows always open (at least cracked in cold weather) and the HEPA air purifier working during and between classes. And a limit of 5 students will give us all more than 6ft distance during class.

Because many of our evening and weekend classes were running at full capacity with 6 students, we are adding classes to the schedule beginning next week. You will now have 2 chances per week to catch Power Hour, Handstand Conditioning, and an advanced vinyasa class will be added to Friday evenings at 5:30 as needed. A Sunday morning Ashtanga Primary Series class will be added after Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving… If you are travelling out-of-state or receiving out-of-state guests, please follow the 2-week quarantine required before returning to the studio. The staff at Yoga Lab is following all quarantine protocols and we ask that you do too. We will miss you while you are gone, but aim to be open when your quarantine is over!

In other news – we welcome Robin Darrow to our teaching staff!! Robin studied at Kripalu and brings a beautiful energy and smart sequencing to her classes. Beginning next week, Robin will offer the noon class and a gentle Hatha class on Mondays and will lead the Sunday morning lite vinyasa class. In December, she will be taking over the Beginner Series, so if you have been thinking about starting a yoga practice, don’t miss this opportunity to work Robin.

As always, if you have any thoughts or concerns or requests – please send me a note a

AND – a big thank you for our beautiful new door sign! By Brian Prendergast at Brian P. Graphics.
