August at the Lab


Hello everyone!

The visit from Chrissy Lefavour has been post-phoned until the week of September 6th! Chrissy will be offering a morning Ashtanga intensive from Monday Sept 6 thru Friday Sept 10, 6:30AM-8:30AM. To sign up for this intensive please go to the Rise and Vibe website here: Yoga Lab class cards cannot be used for this series. However – you CAN use Yoga Lab passes for a special GRATEFUL YOGA class with Chrissy on Wednesday, September 8 from 5:30-7PM and for an Ashtanga class on Saturday, September 11 from 8:30-10AM.

I am working on the Fall schedule and am excited to add a YIN yoga class with Julia Carpenter and CHAIR yoga with Deborah Feldman. Check the website soon for these new offerings beginning September 15th.

It is almost our birthday…1 year! Keep an eye out for special happenings coming up September 1st.

We continue with class maximums and COVID protocols at the studio. Stay healthy and keep practicing!

Much love,

