October at the Lab!


Greetings Yogis!

We have had a wonderful first month at Yoga Lab. Mostly, we are simply coming together for good yoga. If you have been thinking about returning to in-person, indoor classes – maybe this is the month!

I am learning a lot as we go, especially about scheduling and the website – so there are several changes happening in October.

Join us for Lunch? Fall and Winter are wonderful seasons to be in the studio at midday. The sun floods the studio with light and seriously warms the room even when it gets cold outside! Lunch-time yoga is only 45 minutes, so I think this qualifies for a price-adjustment. Lunch-time drop-in cost will now be $11. To even out the cost decrease for class card holders, a complimentary lunch class will be added to your membership for every 3 lunch time reservations you make with your 10-class card. The 3 reservations do not have to be on a single class card, it can be over many. I will keep track of this for you and automatically add the complimentary class when earned.

Restorative Yoga has been added to the schedule! Restorative Yoga will be Tuesdays 10AM-11AM and Saturdays from 11AM-12PM. And the Monday evening Hatha class from 5:30-6:15PM will add in a few long-held restorative poses.

From Thursday, October 15 – Saturday, October 17, Yoga Lab will be participating in Montpelier Madness sponsored by Montpelier Alive! Check the Yoga Lab website for ‘Open House’ hours as we get closer to the event. If you come in to check out the studio during these hours (bring your mask!), you can receive 10% off of any of the manduka mats for sale – and of course you can use your Montpelier Madness money and coupons for the purchase of mats, mat towels or class cards.

Our Beginner Series is ongoing all Fall and we have several students signed up. There is still room – please join us! Great for true beginners and those practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of alignment.

And last but not least – Johannah is baaaack! Check the schedule for her Ashtanga Immersion, Power Hour and Primary Series class beginning mid-October!
