Vermont Spring at the Lab!


I am so honored to be going into our 8th month in operation – total pandemic mode right from the beginning!  When gyms are opened to 50% or 75% capacity – we are still limited by our square footage and will likely be capped at 6 people per class for many more months.  So THANK YOU for learning the Zen Planner scheduling software (and its quirks!) and coming to in-person yoga!  Please remember that we DO have a cancellation policy.  We often have last minute cancellations – which happens of course, but please try to cancel before the 12-hour window whenever possible. It is very hard to refill slots the day of and we need as many ‘full’ classes as we can get!

We have a new Beginner Series starting April 12th – Mondays from 12PM-1PM.  If you have been thinking about jumping into yoga, please join us.  5 classes for $60 – and you do not have to attend 5 weeks in a row – just choose the days you can make it.  I am always happy to schedule additional beginner classes at no extra charge, so please reach out if Mondays don’t work for you. 

Prana Playground with Samantha had a great first month at the Lab!  This class offers movement that is a little looser around the edges – and has killer playlists!  Check it out!  

As for strength building to compliment your yoga, Power Hour continues with steady attendance.  Offered twice a week: Monday and Friday evenings.

Did you know that some of us add monthly strength building challenges to our exercise regime?  We just finished a 30-day push-up challenge and will be starting a complete beginner’s 28-day pull-up challenge on April 3rd.  Email me if you would like to take part and join our daily texts of struggles and encouragement!

Love and gratitude, 

Sorsha Anderson
