June Happenings – Summer Sale!


Today through June 8purchase a 10-class card for $120 (normally $135)! Limit one per customer please! Also available through the phone app under ‘add membership’.

Celebrate the Summer Solstice with us on Sunday, June 20th beginning at 10:30AM. We will do 108 Sun Salutations – breaks encouraged. This will be a special class, opened up to 14 participants. Reserve your spot soon.

Structural Yoga Series with Bill Dorigan begins this Friday, June 4th, and runs each Friday in June. Join for the full series or drop in when you can.

Feeling the need to change things up? Prana Playground is a party in the studio!

My favorite things about Prana Playground on Tuesday nights:
1. I get to hang out with Sam
2. I get to move in delicious ways outside of the normal yoga ‘box’ and sequences
3. KILLER PLAYLISTS – individualized for every class

In other news, I am closing in on handstands on the mat! I was hopeful I could have this by LAST Christmas – LOL! I don’t dare put an end date on it now…the progress is fun, no matter how slow. What goals are you working on? How can we help? I am always so happy to dialogue with students about poses or process. Reach out and keep practicing!

Much love,

