Bill Dorigan

Bill Dorigan is a retired (mostly) civil trial attorney and a certified Anusara yoga teacher. After a background in athletics, including football (Bill was a 230-pound center in college for eventual all-pro NFL Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Ken Anderson), and martial arts (three black belts), he turned to yoga when he realized that trial tactics and flurries of punches and kicks wouldn’t garner many lasting friendships. He has immersed himself for years in yoga practices and philosophy, studying extensively with Dr. Douglas Brooks, Dr. Edwin Bryant, and Dr. Paul Muller-Ortega, among others. Along the way, Bill obtained a master’s in human development in 2005 focusing on the integration of yoga philosophy and behavioral psychology. He is the author of two books on the utilization of yoga practices and philosophy to create and expand wellbeing and provides workshops on that subject. To learn more, visit his website: