March at the Lab!


When I opened the Lab in September, who knew we would be 5 1/2 months in with no end in sight to the lockdown….But we are hanging in there – and have some exciting schedule changes coming up!

First – Johannah, hand-stander extraordinaire, will run a Handstand Workshop next Tuesday, February 23 from 5:30-7PM.  Use your class card or drop in for $15.  Get tips from the best! You know I will be there, so only 5 slots left!

A few classes will pause or alter now or beginning in March: 

Core Synergy – will pause beginning March 1st.  Still time to get a few February push-ups in on Mondays at 4PM (spots still left tonight before the snow!) and Saturdays at 11AM.

Intro to Ashtanga will pause immediately.  We are still planning a beginner’s Ashtanga immersion as soon as the State has opened up a bit more. 

Power Hour with Johannah will continue on Fridays at 4PM and will add Mondays at 5:30PM starting in March.  The Wednesday 4PM power hour is discontinued. 

Hatha on Monday nights will pause beginning in March. We are still looking for the right time slot for this wonderful class!

The Beginner Series just finished a successful 5-week run and will pause for the next few weeks.  The lockdown is a great time to learn this practice – and beginner classes are limited to 4 people per class.  Please reach out to me with questions – we are eager to get the next 5-week session going. 

AND…Prana Playground with Samantha will begin March 9th and run on Tuesdays, 5:30-7PM.  This is a creative movement class that Samantha has been working on for a while-  just the kind of exploration we want happening at the Lab!  Check the website soon for more detail. Please join Sam on Tuesdays beginning March 9th!

We have opened up class sizes to 6 people.  We have to rotate the room in order to keep 6ft between everyone when 6 students sign up, but this will help with access to some of the more popular classes. 

I so appreciate everyone continuing to quarantine after travel and gatherings and following all of our lockdown protocols.  Let’s continue to keep each other safe – and keep each other sane by keeping the studio open!  

What classes would you like to see offered at the studio?  I am always happy to hear from you.
